Are you a parent living in North and East Halifax or Lower Valley area?

 Can you contribute to support your local Family Hub and Nursery?

Family Hubs and Nurseries NHP Parents Forum needs you!

 Why do we want you to be involved?

 We feel it is important for parents to have a voice and increase their active involvement with Family Hubs services.

 Who can attend?

Parents/carers with children aged 0-19 who live in North and East Halifax or Lower Valley area.

Is it for you?

The meetings are very informal and normally take place alongside family activities. It is an ideal opportunity to meet other parents and have a natter and share ideas over a cuppa and a bun!

You will gain a sense of fulfillment, knowing you have helped make a difference.

How can you contribute?

We meet once a term at various Family Hubs across North & East Halifax and Lower Valley. The meetings are held at varying times. We combine them with family activities so children are welcome.

All feedback is taken seriously and considered by the Area Management Team.

You will have the chance to give your views and all opinions are valued.