Lower Valley Easter Events

We hosted an event in Lower Valley at Rastrick Cricket Club which was a huge success and really well attended with a total of 131 individuals! Families were welcome to come along to the fun filled event and join in a range of different activities including big games, arts and crafts, scavenger hunts, face painting and a visit from a balloon modeller. The event was well received, and we had lots of positive feedback from families who attended including the following:

“Really good event, lots of different activities for the children to do”

“Very enjoyable, nice interactions, nice events inside and outside, friendly staff”

“Nice to let children run free and play at local event, enjoyed face painting, less pressure not having to book on to event.”

We also held a targeted event within Lower Valley during the Easter Holidays, 58 attendees joined us on 14th April at Holywell Green Church for the Easter Event.

The families took part in an Easter scavenger hunt where they followed clues to find letters that made up the words Easter egg and once completed, they won a prize. Children decorated their own egg using a variety of mark making materials such as paint, glitter, tissue paper, pipe cleaners and crayons.  We also had some Easter themed word searches and colouring in pictures. The families particularly enjoyed the scavenger hunt as they could work together to solve the clues and they also enjoyed decorating an egg which they got to take home.

Here is some of the feedback received from the event:

“Thank you for providing this free event, my children really enjoyed themselves.”

“Really happy, both kids had an amazing time.”

We are already on with planning our next events during the Spring Break Holidays!