Pumpkin Picking at Wellholme Park Children’s Centre

On Monday 30th October we were joined by families from across Lower Valley for our annual half term event, which this time was Pumpkin Picking and more.

We had over 20 families totalling in around 70 attendees come along and join in the fun!

Attendees were able to select a pumpkin from our indoor patch and then were invited to the creative station to paint and decorate their pumpkin. We also had some spooky face painting going on, delicious biscuit making and a dedicated baby sensory area for our younger attendees.

We received some absolutely amazing feedback including…

“Really good for other Mum and Dad to interact with other parents for more social time for adults and the children.”

“Always well organised, fun safe events.”

“Lovely event, girls really enjoyed it.”

“Really enjoyed – face painting, decorating food, seeing and being able to interact with families.”

Thank you for everybody who took the time to come along and join in the fun at the event, and also to those who completed an impact evaluation, your feedback is important to us and helps us plan in facilitating future events.

A special thank you to our amazing staffing team who supported the event and worked so hard behind the scenes to make sure everybody had a good time 😊

A final thank you to Tesco Brighouse who donated some delicious sweet cones for us to utilise at our event, they were really well received and went down a treat!