Pond Dipping and Bug Hunting at Bradley Woods

On Saturday the 29th of July we held a Pond dipping and bug hunting dads/male carers event at Bradley woods. Dads/male carers and children were invited to Bradley woods and given the opportunity to take part in pond dipping and explore the different bugs hidden.

The session was led by Alex from Bradley woods and all involved had a fabulous time!

What Makes Me Happy Winner

Take a look at how many amazing entries we had for our recent competition “What makes me happy?”

Thank you to everybody who took the time to send in an entry 😊 it was a really difficult decision as they were all amazing entries.

A huge Congratulations to our winner 7 year old Elodie who has been contacted to arrange collection her prize!

Keep your eyes peel for more competitions that will be coming in due course.

Elland Children’s Centre Leavers Party

At Elland Children’s Centre on Monday we had a lovely celebration for all of the children who are leaving to go on to their next journey! We enjoyed circle games, dancing, party dinner and a presentation of certificates from each key person which parents were invited to come and watch. Each child said their final farewells and were given a goodie bag containing a book, personalised Elland Children’s Centre leavers T-shirt and some crayons.

We wish all the children and families the best of luck for the future.

Celebrating me and my dad: 29th July – 5th August

Welcome to a spectacular week-long celebration dedicated to honouring the incredible dads and male carers in our lives between 29th July – 5th August 2023.

This week is not just about celebrating fathers, but also acknowledging the important role that all male caregivers play in nurturing and supporting our loved ones.

Whether you are a biological father, stepfather, grandfather, uncle, brother, or close family friend, we invite you to join us in celebrating the important role you play.

We’ve planned a series of exciting events to celebrate and appreciate all the amazing dads and male caregivers out there who are making a positive impact on their families and communities. Join us for a week filled with love, learning, and fun activities! Here’s what we have in store for you:

Family Hubs – Families, we need your help!

Have you heard of Family Hubs? It’s a new network of support for you, your children and your family which is being created in Calderdale.

Family Hubs are being developed with you, the families of Calderdale so we would like your feedback on two design ideas. Can you spare 2 mins to help us?

Please follow this link to see the designs – https://forms.office.com/e/4Uz4eBkhB8

Choose your favourite and leave feedback if you have any.

For more information you can visit: calderdale.gov.uk/family-hubs or email: family.hubs@calderdale.gov.uk

Our Woodland Wandering Winners

A huge congratulations to our Woodland Wandering Winners – Becky and Skylar! Thank you for sharing your fantastic photos with us linked to #50ThingsToDoBeforeYour5

We hope you enjoy your goody bag! 😊

If you haven’t already – take a look at our latest competition #WhatMakesMeHappy?! For a chance to win a gift voucher, this is open to all children of all ages, see attached poster for more details.

Singing Mamas comes to Illingworth!

Did you know that singing has been clinically proven to lift your mood, increase happy hormones and reduce stress hormones? It’s even good for your brain, lungs and immune system, not to mention your little one? 

Singing Mamas is coming to Illingworth Children’s Centre with 12 x FREE sessions on Mondays 9.30-11am from the 11th of September 2023!

We will have a brew and some cake and sing uplifting songs from around the world, taught by ear. Absolutely no musical experience is necessary.

Book your free place with Illingworth Children’s Centre or email josie@singingmamas.org or text 07734058453.

Open to all voices and all women, with or without children.

Visit the website for more details:


This project is [funded/part-funded] by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus

‘What Makes You Happy’ Poster Competition

Calling all young artists, we need you!

Can you design a poster or flyer around the topic ‘What makes me Happy?’. You will have the chance to win a gift voucher and your design shared across North Halifax Partnership Sure Start Children’s Centres!

Please send entries via email to jennifer.langford@nhpltd.org.uk or you can hand it in at your nearest children’s centre. The closing date is the 28th of July 2023.

I Like to Move It Fun Day – Saturday 2nd September 2023

Saturday 2nd September 2023

1pm – 4pm

Beechwood Park, Illingworth, Halifax, HX2 9UN

Everybody is welcome to our ‘I Like to Move It Fun Day’!

Whatever your age or ability, whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just want to find ways to get moving more, there’s something for you!

There will be a number of different sports and activities on offer, spread across Beechwood Park to showcase the wonderful facilities available right on our doorstep.

There will also be lots of goodies and prizes up for grabs to help you on your journey to become more active and the health and wellbeing benefits that can bring!

Confirmed activities for the day include:

  • Orienteering
  • Bowling
  • Gymnastics
  • Aerobic dance class
  • Women’s and men’s football  

We hope to see you there!

No need to book, just turn up.

For more info call 01422 392767.