Creations Children’s Centre are the first in Calderdale to achieve the Dingley’s Promise Award

Creations Children’s Centre have completed the Dingley’s Promise; transforming Early Years for Children with SEND accreditation programme. Dingley’s Promise is a charity which has been commissioned by Comic Relief to deliver a series of excellent training packages designed to upskill all staff in inclusive practice in the Early Years and the skills learned can be easily transferred. It is free to Calderdale schools, settings, childminders, and anyone working with families. It is online so practitioners can complete it at their own pace. The training packages currently available are: Introduction to Inclusive Practice, Early Years Transitions, Having Difficult Conversations with Families and Behaviours That Challenge and there is further training to come.

To achieve the Inclusive Practice accreditation kitemark all staff including cooks, domestic, admin must complete the ‘Introduction to Inclusive Practice Training’ element of the training package. Creations is the first setting in Calderdale to have received the accreditation.

Creations were presented with the award at the Calderdale SEND conference on Saturday 13th May. The CEO of Dingley’s’ cried when she saw a video of Jack Sutcliffe Senior Early Years Practitioner at Creations describing how Creations has developed inclusive practice and the changes they have made to daily routines and practice . The staff at Creations do this with such passion and are all fully committed to providing the best care and education to all children.