Are you a Sure Start North & East Halifax Trainer or do you want to become one?


Important changes

We are happy to announce some important changes that affect you as a trainer who has delivered training for us in the past or is on our list.

We are developing an approved trainer data base and at the point a trainer is on the data base then they will be sent our termly training programme to be given the opportunity to tender to deliver training for us.

This will mean that once you are on our database you will no longer have to include all your information each time you tender for work with us which will significantly slim down the tender document and the process.

The application form below requires completing by yourself or your company and returning to us by the deadline which is the 28th October 2013, even if you are not considering tendering for training in the near future then can I please encourage you to still complete the application from which will enable you to go on our approved trainer database and will ensure you are kept informed of our termly requirements. Please include as much information as you can on all the courses/training you are qualified to teach as this will be considered alongside the tender document in the future and if your application form does not include an area of expertise that you later include in a tender document as training you can deliver then we may have to request a new application is completed or may not be able to consider your tender for that training.

We are extremely keen to grow our data base of trainers so please feel free to forward this information onto other trainers you know.

 Business Plan 1 October 2013- 1 July 2014

Application Form to become an approved trainer

Trainer Commissioning Process



If you have any questions please contact Diane Murray on 01422 251090.