Lower Valley Summer of Fun

Across all Lower Valley Reach Areas, we have had a fantastic summer of fun inviting families to join in a range of fun and free activities. This included footgolf at Bradley Park, a Rex cinema event, swimming at Plains Pool, pond dipping and den building at Cromwell Bottom and big Games at Hollywell Green.

Each activity was fully booked and thoroughly enjoyed by all that attended. We received some fantastic feedback:

“Enjoyed the sessions offered today. Children interacted well as a group and learnt new things about nature and the woodland area.”

“Absolutely loved this activity, both my children really enjoyed it, it was different, great activity would highly recommend.”

“Brilliant! Lovely to get out and have a play. Lovely atmosphere, well run and a lovely lunch provided! Thank you”

“A brilliant start to the summer, very well organised.”

“Lovely set up, with lots to do. Very helpful staff helping show the children how to use the activities. PACKED LUNCH WENT DOWN WELL. Good for all ages.”

Thank you to all staff who supported these events and worked hard behind the scenes to ensure that they were successful and enjoyed by all.

On to the next lot of planning now!