Creations Community Children’s Centre

Welcome to Creations Nursery

Creations nursery is situated right in the heart of the Pellon Community next to Ling Bob J, I & N school.

Here at Creations Nursery we believe that early childhood is the foundation for a child’s journey through life. Each stage of development and learning is valued and respected in its own right.

We have two rooms within Creations a 0-2 year old room and a 2-5 year old room, our 0-2  room is a stimulating, safe and sensory environment where we support each child’s holistic development to enable them to thrive. We follow each child’s individual needs and routines and offer support for parents on things like; weaning, sleeping, oral hygiene, behaviour and development.

This room is for children from 0-2years and has an adult to child ratio of 1:3, the room can have up to 10 children in at any one time and has open access to our outdoor area.

Play is at the centre of our room providing different play opportunities to help our babies learn and develop through their senses, exploring and making sense of their environment. Activities like; messy play, exploring textures, sensory/ treasure baskets, sand and water play, singing and stories are provided. These activities give our babies abundant opportunity to explore experiment and discover. The activities are planned with consideration for the age and stage of development of each child along with their interests.

In our 2-5 room is a free flow room providing a caring, educational and fun approach to learning. Children are encouraged by staff to develop to the best of their ability in all areas of learning through play in a relaxed stimulating environment. Practitioners plan activities around the children’s personal experiences and interests to extend their knowledge and skills. Activities are planned and delivered to challenge and extend the children’s learning within a stimulating environment.

The 2-5’s room is registered by OFSTED to provide Early Education funded childcare places for children between the ages of two and four years. This supports children to develop their school readiness skills. Children that access there Early Education funding with us access key skills groups to focusing on different aspects of the EYFS.  All areas both indoors and out provide literacy and numeracy enhanced environment with areas of play where children can move around freely.

We have an open access outdoor area that is purpose built area with cushioned flooring allowing children to take calculated risks safely it offers a safe and secure area of play. We provide lots of outdoor activities and resources to encourage physical development and communication and language.

Latest news


Full day: 8.00am – 6.00pm = £50

AM session: 8.00am – 12.30pm = £30

PM session: 1.00pm – 6.00pm = £30

Healthy Eating

Creations Children’s Centre takes great pride in how we underpin healthy eating and lifestyles within our nursery. All our meals are freshly prepared on site using local fresh produce by our cook.

Within our centre we have taken part in ‘Food for Life Early Years Award’

The Soil Association’s Food for Life Early Years Award is an independent endorsement for nurseries and children’s centres that serve good quality, nutritious food and support the babies and children in their care to develop good eating habits for life. Evidence shows that eating habits form early, and good nutrition plays a crucial role in a child’s growth and cognitive development.

See a sample menu (PDF)

Reviews from some of our parents…

“Creations has been the best nursery that my son has gone to, they have kept me informed every time a chance has happened. My children always come home on high spirits and also are excited when returning back to nursery, my children have grown close to all that work with them and are very confident and secure around them.”

“The nursery is really welcoming and my daughter really enjoys it here, would definitely recommend”

“My daughter loves this nursery; she has got so much confidence since coming. She asked every day to come to nursery and I am really happy with the nursery as well.”

“I like the nursery because I can see how the teachers playing and spend time with the kids. My son is very happy when he is coming in.”

“My child enjoys coming to the nursery she talks about it at home.”

Famly App 

What is the Famly App?

Our children’s centre nurseries use an app called Famly which can be accessed on mobiles or online. We use this to stay in touch and to keep up keep you updated on your child’s development whist at our settings.

You will have your own individual account which allows your personal feed to receive photographs, videos, messages and updates in real time. Parents can grant access to other family member like grandparents, to view their child’s learning journey on the app.

Each child will have an individual Learning Journey in here and it here we will share observations of your child’s learning and development and link it to the early years foundation stage. This will help you understand he progress your child is making.

The app is a fully encrypted GDPR – compliant and digital platform therefore all data stored on the app is protected and secure.

Our Opening Times

Opening hours: 8.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday.

We endeavour to be flexible within these hours and meet the needs of individual families.

Information for Parents

A Parents’ Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (PDF)

Policies and Procedures

Treasure Baskets – Top Tips Fact Sheet! (PDF)

How will my child learn at Creations Nursery?

The Learning Framework

All nurseries and childcare settings must follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework (EYFS) and it is against this that we are inspected. There are seven EYFS areas of learning and development which are taken into consideration:

  • Personal, social and emotional development

  • Physical Development

  • Communication and language

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the world

  • Expressive arts and design

We recognise that children are unique individuals who learn and develop at different times and in different ways. We encourage their holistic development by spending time getting to know them and building on what they can do, helping them to reach their full potential. Our staff will plan EYFS activities for your child to enjoy on their own or with other children both in the indoor and outdoor environment.

For more information read our Parents’ guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.


Our OFSTED Registration Number is EY484217.

Have a look at our nursery rooms

Click here to see a virtual tour of our  nursery rooms

Click here to open a PDF showing various pictures of our nursery.

What we have been doing…

This PDF gives a snapshot of some of our recent activities.

Contact us

Creations Community Children’s Centre

Albert Road





Telephone: 01422 434006