Recycling at Wellholme Park Children’s Centre

At Wellholme Park Children’s Centre we have various strategies that we have implemented to recycle and encourage our children to recycle too…

In Room 2 and Room 3 there is a recycling paper box which the children are encouraged to place paper in that they no longer need, we also have lots of important conversations with our older children about recycling and why it is important.

A huge part of our recycling journey at Wellholme Park is our allotment where we grow lots of fruits, vegetables and herbs in compost from our compost heap.

We enjoy taking the children down to the allotment to help plant and pick the foods that we have grown!

We have had multiple trips out to our local park including on Global Recycling Day where practitioners and children took litter pickers and collected rubbish for us to recycle. We have also recently had a new bin provided in our staff room with three separate compartments for us to easily recycle plastic, paper and tin/metal cans.


‘Recycling takes little effort on our part, but makes a big difference to the world’